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Book review: “Factfulness” by Hans Rosling

This is without any doubt one of the best books I've read in a long time! Once I started reading it I simply couldn't stop... (I've read its around 300 pages in less than 5 days, and that while working full time)

I can only say that the way in which Rosling tackles the issue of preconceived bias, which prevent us from seeing and understanding the world the way it really is, has really surprised me. The author sets aside any formalities and condescendence to give a wake-up call to all those (often affluent and well educated students, business and world leaders leaving in the rich world, or in "Level 4", as he calls it) who think they can continue to classify the word according to the old clichés of "developed" or "underdeveloped" country.

In a time in which pessimistic views about humanity and the sort of future awaiting us, Rosling manages to make us aware of the long way ahead of us to eradicate extreme poverty or other big human problems without making us of recurring topics we hear every day in the media. He is an activist but his morale principles prevent him from adopting an attitude of everything is allowed in order to achieve our common final goal. And I personally think that this fact speaks loud and clear about him.
If you're a curious person and want to refresh your knowledge about the world while deepening your understanding of some of the most urgent issues humanity is facing (global warming, wars, extreme poverty, literacy levels, sex discrimination, and so on) from a moderately positive but responsible view, this is definitively your book!


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